Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Side of the Story

Today I just want to write,
I want to tell you my side of the story.
How when I was little I traveleved through box wagons on bumpy rail tracks in cold silent nights to get to Chicago.
How I left moments with abuelo swinging me from a hammock that seem to connect from one mountain to another.
I was in heaven.
Flowers always adorn my black braids matching the diferent color dresses that seemed to fit only a doll.
Running in the courtyard barefooted, not caring for the so very tight shoes my dad seemed to insist I wear.
I prefered the earth touching my sole.
The heart wrenched detachment from my land, mis abuelos.
My greatgrandma trying to keep up. "Iris" I was called.
Iris seemed to be a caring name of love, sounded so sweet and tender.
Never sounded harsh even when I was caught eating too many sweets, or falling asleep in the mango fields.
My grandfather carried me as an adorment on his horse like a fixture of a car. Love filled the house.
Grandma was the love of the home, soft spoken in nature, that coordinated the soft breeze we felt up in the mountains, the warm sun that was felt at midday for your afternoon nap.
Her sweet voice that seemed to add the right amount of sugar on the Papaya and Mango trees that grew in our courtyard.
My abuelas gentle and sometimes rugged touch always soothe you with the plantitas that can cure any ache and pain thought off possible. Medicine that healed seperation, detachment, loss from love where never needed in my house...

Chicago, long summers and beautiful falls, gloomy winters and rainy springs will become the pattern of my stay. Logan Square, Uptown where qucik stops, but eventually it was The Villita that we called home.

How often I warmed my hands on the comal making sure I kept up with the tortillas for my dad and moms dinner.
How I loved to play in the street with my sisters and new friends on the Boulevard.22+ years of the boulevard strip. Kents, Deuces, SD's, Two-Two Boys, and Kings now adorn my lawn.
Blasting car steroes, crusing and banging became part of my life.
Learning english, reading and math seemed not to matter.
Schools in and out, no one seemed to be bothered.
Know one seemed to remember my name "Iris" .

Grew up quick, grew up too fast, married too young, I want to go back. Why am I here, don't seemed to belong. My politics too radical, my style too old school, my medicine not legal, my choices not respected,friendships questioned, my privacy invaded.
My story not heard, my song not sung loud enough.
I am Iris, the little girl that remembers vaguely being held in her fathers arms, the little girl who was mother to her sisters and brother.
Iris, the little girl who was always tested by fast hands from her cousins, or older neighbors that tried.
This is a memory, a thought that was never printed or made it on paper.
Today and tomorrow is a diferrent story. I just needed to get this out right now.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Some of my recent creations

Please check out the link

When I'm not running around trying to get to Danza,School, Pick up my children, work, Gym I bead :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

20 consejos

El maestro Akaxe Gomez compartio estos 20 consejos que forman de la Nacion Nahuatl de Mexico. Que con estos consejos nos damos cuenta de lo cuerente que fueron criados nuestro antepasados y que ahora nosotros tambien podemos aplicar en nuestro ser...

1. Respeta a tu padre, madre, abuelitos, abuelitas, pero respeta aun más a todo y a todos los que te rodean.

2. Todo lo que te rodea es moldeable; con tus pensamientos y tus manos

3. Haz que tus pensamientos, palabras, y tus acciones, caminen hacia la misma dirección, sino tus ancestros se avergonzaran de ti.

4. Dos manos se necesitan para hacer tortillas.

5. La piedra que esta en medio del camino por si sola no se va mover.

6. El frío y el calor pueden romper la piedra.

7. Cuando el cabello esta enredado, pasando un peine, se desenreda.

8. Cuando hagas algo, se completo. No dejes que tus acciones tengan hoyos, agujeros, sino el aire se colara por esos hoyos.

9. cualquier acción que hagas (que lleves a cabo), hazla como un ser completo, pero transparente. Deja que la luminosidad trascienda en ti (que la luz se eleve).

10. No olvides que eres estrella y que tienes que alumbrar.

11. Si en verdad eres una estrella, no te alumbres con ocotes .

12. Tu cabeza me duele porque yo soy tú, y tú eres yo. Déjame conocerte y así yo me conoceré.

13. Enséñale a tu mano derecha lo que mano izquierda ya sabe.

14. Las manos saben hacer su propio trabajo.

15. El pajarito, el ave, se busca su propio gusano.

16. Naciste; fuiste nacido, pasaste; pasado estas.

17. Se como el agua: tranquilo (fluido), transparente, pero fuerte a la vez.

18. Toma en tus manos un puñado de ixtle (la fibra que se saca del maguey) porque los problemas vienen de veinte en veinte.

19. Nadie puede pedir lo que no sea capaz de dar.

20. De uno es el ser; de dos es la esencia; de cuatro es la vida; de siete es el vuelo; y de trece es la flor.